The Innocent Shoplifter


Almost all of us have had the experience while shopping of making a purchase, leaving the store, and having the alarm go off. You know you didn’t steal anything, and more often than not, the salesperson calls you back and removes a theft-deterrent device that was inadvertently left on your purchase. But what if it isn’t as simple as this? What if store personnel detain you for shoplifting? Can they legally hold you against your will?

Retail theft results in huge losses for businesses. This so-called shrinkage is a major worry for businesses that can see a substantial portion of their profits walk out the door with thieves. It is understandable that many stores put a great deal of time and effort into installing shoplifting deterrents, training staff to be vigilant, and in some cases, hiring staff specifically trained in loss prevention. However, even the best training can’t prevent all mistakes.

Innocent people often engage in behaviors that store security may be looking for: repeatedly returning to the same spot in the store, taking multiple items into a fitting room, and not talking to salespeople, just to name a few. Because what are often innocuous acts can sometimes look like shoplifting signals, there is a chance that as an innocent shopper, you may end up as an accused criminal. But, if you remain calm, after a short delay, you usually can be on your way.

In most states, merchants are allowed to reasonably detain a suspected shoplifter for questioning and a limited investigation. Usually, in order for a detention to be reasonable, the merchant must have a realistic belief that you attempted to shoplift. This often requires that store employees believe they saw you take some property and that they kept you in their continuous sight until you tried to leave the store without paying.

Once management has decided to detain a suspected shoplifter on the abovementioned grounds, the law generally permits store employees to do so, but only for a “reasonable” period of time. What counts as “reasonable” will vary but is likely limited to the time needed to identify the suspect and call local law enforcement. Most state laws allow merchants to ask suspects for identification and to return any unpaid merchandise. In some areas, employees may even pat down suspects if there is reason to believe that they may have a weapon. In a nutshell, if you have done something to raise the reasonable suspicions of store employees, they probably can detain you.

If you are wrongly detained, try your best to remain calm and reasonable. Chances are that the store employees are worried about their safety; therefore it makes sense for you to take care not to do anything to make them think you are a threat, which might, in turn, put your own physical safety at risk. You can try to the best of your ability to explain your behavior (“I thought I put the shoes in the correct box.”) However, realize that the employees may not give much weight to your explanations; chances are good they have heard it before. While you are being detained, the store employees should be willing to accommodate any reasonable requests, such as for water, prescription medication, or use of the bathroom. If local law enforcement is called and you are detained by the police, you should immediately state your desire to speak to an attorney. Be polite, but wait until your attorney arrives before engaging in any lengthy discussions with the police.

Store security might say that you are expected to pay for the property they allege you took, which is common practice, and in many places, legal. This is known as civil recovery and allows the store to directly ask you to pay what they think you owe without any court or law enforcement involvement. While you are detained, you should protest politely any supposed fines. After the event, you should write a letter to the company’s head of loss prevention, explaining why you don’t believe you should have to pay.

Although no court involvement is initially required, these notices and allegations should be taken seriously. Leaving something such as this unattended could result in major fines and headaches. If you believe your rights were violated during the detention or if the store continues to pursue you for payment, you should talk to your attorney about your options and possible remedies.

